Eumundi Chamber Coffee & Conversations
Eumundi Chamber invites you to attend our next networking event, Coffee & Conversations on Friday 26 August 2022.
Guest speakers this month is the team from Sunshine Coast Council Economic Development to update you on programs and initiatives to support local businesses, and meet the team so you can connect with the team and make them aware of your needs in the current economic climate post Covid Recovery.
RSVP's essential. 7am registration for 7.30am start.
All 4562 businesses welcome. We look forward to seeing you there.
This event is not catered, so BYO coffee or beverage of your choice. We highly recommend Chamber members Eumundi Coffee Roasters, and Humdrum Espresso on your way in.

Event Sponsors
Date and Time
Friday Aug 26, 2022
7:00 AM - 8:30 AM EST
Imperial Hotel Eumundi HOLA Reception Lounge
Entrance from Memorial Drive, and Imperial Hotel Car Park.
Parking available onsite Imperial Hotel Bottle Shop.
Contact Information
Eumundi Chamber of Commerce Inc
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